Guts, Grit & Great Business®

Select Episode: Achieving Mastery by Bringing a Heart-Centered Approach to Business

Episode Summary

Select Series: In this special Select episode, we'll delve into "Achieving Mastery by Bringing a Heart-Centered Approach to Business" with Dr. Alan Chong. Originally aired as Episode 31 of Guts, Grit & Great Business® on Nov 6, 2020, it's a conversation that remains as relevant and insightful as ever. Whether you're tuning in for the first time or revisiting it as a longtime listener, we're thrilled to have you with us. With Dr. Alan Chong, The Spine Doctor and chiropractor of 33 years. Join us for this powerful and timely conversation on how we can transform and leverage our business results by bringing a heart-centered approach to our business. We discuss the concept of achieving mastery, insights on mentoring and hiring others to support us in our business journey, and learning from our mistakes. We also dig into business leadership, and the line between delegating vs dumping responsibility. One of the highlights of this conversation is how to achieve clarity in decision making, how to use our hearts instead of our heads in making key decisions, and the importance of connecting to core values to guide us in our business decisions. Finally, we also discuss the impacts of covid on business, including some of the silver linings: the opportunity for expressing greater humanity and care through our work, creating conversations with our clients that are more sensitive, aware, and relational, and the power of acknowledging others and celebrating wins. Alan is the founder of the Centre for Chiropractic Care, operating three chiropractic clinics in Calgary, Canada, and creator of High Profits Practice. His living legacy is in coaching chiropractors and alternative health business owners to thrive and achieve business success through his heart-centered coaching, mentoring and masterminds. Alan has also recently launch his podcast, Practice Mastery for Chiropractors: Your Call to Greatness. Learn more by visiting the show notes at