Guts, Grit & Great Business®

How to Embrace Pain to Achieve Your Dreams

Episode Summary

With Brian Bogert, a passionate human behavior and performance coach, speaker, business strategist, top sales professional and philanthropic leader who believes in helping growth-minded individuals achieve the best version of themselves: their most authentic selves. Brian teaches how to leverage radical authenticity and awareness to create the intentional life you’ve been dreaming of, but have struggled to create. His revolutionary strategy—embrace pain to avoid suffering—has helped individuals and companies break beyond their normal to achieve the success in life and business that they’ve always wanted. Join us for this fast-paced and information-packed conversation where Brian shares numerous insights from his own journey involving tragedy and pain, and how he has turned that into purpose and meaning in his life. We cover the important role of pain in our lives, how we can use it to create momentum (instead of staying stuck), and the specifics of how to embrace pain. You will hear Brian share some of his own powerful stories, as well as some of his clients, including some of the work they have done to work through their own painful experiences and turn them into momentum to create a life they love. If you want to create a life of no limits and gain freedom, Brian and his team will get you there. Join us for this powerful conversation! Get access to the show notes and any links mentioned in the episode by visiting