Guts, Grit & Great Business®

Engineered Growth Systems

Episode Summary

With Chris Goegan, the Creator of Engineered Marketing, and Builder of Business Growth Systems. Chris has worked with hundreds of business owners in 100+ industries, including his friend Michael Gerber (of E-Myth fame), and many other industry leaders. He shows his clients how to engineer their marketing and build client acquisition SYSTEMS that work on any, and every traffic platform. They don't require you to be the magic – you just need 3 Systems.  Chris is also a Dad, and a Canadian now living in California "eh!" He is a hopeless Toronto Maple Leafs fan. Join us for this enjoyable conversation where Chris shares how he combines his experience from his engineering days and fixing bottlenecks at Ford Motor Company, creating parts for the International Space Station, to performing over 100,000 cold calls and learning sales, to now advising clients on the key systems required in their businesses to take care of leads and consistently create clients. Chris shares how learning sales was the hardest, and best, thing to happen to him (following a dramatic job loss!), walks through his attention amplifier formula that he uses to educate his clients, and shares the timeline for creating foundational systems in your business that will help you reach "the tipping point" earlier in your business building journey than later if you build them the right way.