Guts, Grit & Great Business®

Your Move to Millions

Episode Summary

With Dr. Darnyelle Jervey Harmon, an award-winning business growth strategist, multi-millionaire business mentor, disruptor, international speaker, 7-time best-selling author, and the incredible Inc. 5000 CEO of Incredible One Enterprises, LLC, who shares her wisdom on mindset lessons, discusses the impact of forgiveness and obedience on your business journey, and her iconic “Move to Millions® Method”.

Episode Notes

With Dr. Darnyelle Jervey Harmon, an award-winning business growth strategist, multi-millionaire business mentor, disruptor, international speaker, 7-time best selling author, podcast host, and an iconic and incomparable Inc. 5000 CEO of Incredible One Enterprises, LLC – a multi-million-dollar coaching and consulting brand, is best known for transforming the lives of her business coaching clients and live event attendees. 

Darnyelle equips her clients to leverage and scale businesses that serve them financially and spiritually. Over the last 10 years, she has helped her clients generate more than $1/2B in sales and more than $365M in revenue. By teaching her award-winning Move to Millions® Method, she takes business owners from six figure years to six figure quarters, six figure months, six figure weeks and ultimately six figure days in record time all while deepening their connection to God and strengthening your faith. 

In our conversation, Darnyelle emphasizes the importance of believing in oneself to attract financial resources. She also discusses mindset lessons, including how forgiveness and obedience impact your business, and highlights her "Move to Millions Method" as a strategy for scaling a business to a million dollars with ease and grace.

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