Guts, Grit & Great Business®

More Money Less Headache

Episode Summary

With Estie Starr, an internationally acclaimed, award-winning business consultant and speaker. After a decade-long career in the nonprofit sector, she left her CIO job in 2011 to fulfil her business dream, serving small business owners who wanted to live theirs. The founder and owner of both Strand Consulting and the Better Business School, Estie helps small business owners earn their first million in new business. Join us for this conversation where Estie demystifies what it takes to build a successful small business, what every successful small business has, and where solopreneurs and small business owners often go wrong. Estie has logged over 12,000 hours of one-on-one business coaching in the past 14 years, guiding thousands of micro business owners to transform their business ideas and dreams to fully scaled businesses, with an average 300% profitability increase. Estie has been recognized as the winner of Best in LA Business Consultancy 2018. In 2019, her podcast, “Business Breakthrough,” was featured on NASDAQ as a top podcast to listen to. She is a featured contributor to Entrepreneur, and the co-founder and co-host of the Annual LinkedIn Influencer Summit.