Guts, Grit & Great Business®

Conscious Business & Impact

Episode Summary

With JV Crum III, JD, MBA, known as the “World’s #1 Limitless Mindset Expert”, the Founder of Conscious, 34 X #1 international best-selling author, creator of the Mindset to Millions Event, keynote speaker, investor, certified business coach, licensed attorney, serial entrepreneur, Huffington Post Columnist, and the host of the #1 Ranked “Conscious Millionaire Show” for Purpose-Driven Entrepreneurs who want to Get Rich Changing The World. JV helps entrepreneurs multiply what they think and achieve what is possible. JV devotes himself to helping others find their dream by growing a business that combines making profits with creating an important difference for their customers and our world. His goal is to help you to create a business that affords you true financial freedom and a life that provides you the deep fulfillment you seek. On a personal level, JV is an avid lover of the arts, loves the outdoors, nature, and all things related to water, enjoys food, wine, and cooking, and pursues a health-focused lifestyle. In this podcast, JV shares some strategies for creating a limitless mindset and becoming a millionaire. JV also shares some major struggles he encountered and how he overcame them. You will hear JV discuss how he sees the potential as a futurist, his views of the metaverse and technology, and their impacts on business. You will also enjoy listening to JV as he talks about how he came up with the idea of creating his "Conscious Millionaire" book. To listen to this conversation and access the show notes, visit us at