Guts, Grit & Great Business®

Beyond Expansion for Founders

Episode Summary

With Tracy Yates, a sought-after Transformational Architect, Alchemist and Mentor to thought leaders and changemakers who go beyond the bounds of limitations in business, in life and within themselves. She is a serial entrepreneur spanning two decades, an award-winning strategist, and a catalyst for boundary-less potential. She is a secret weapon to iconic leaders who create extraordinary lives, revolutionary and prosperous businesses with aliveness and fulfillment within their being. Tracy built an 8-figure business from the ground up marketing for the world's biggest brands like Google, Hulu, Disney, and Amazon. She is also known for her lightning-speed transformations that unleash even the highest achievers' dormant potency, brilliance and potential that catapults remarkable expansion in their lives, income, and leadership. Join us for our episode as Tracy talks about what the Ambition Paradox is and what could happen if you step out of it. She also shares the misconception around change, how transformation is different from healing, and that she personally doesn’t align with healing. Find out why in this conversation. To listen to our podcast and access the show notes, visit us at